Whose class is the most spirited?

Find out March 7 – 11


Photo by GR Stocks on Unsplash

Which class will be left standing at the end of the week?

For the first time ever, Armijo will host a Battle of the Classes. Each day of the week there will be a new activity and a dress-up day for students to earn points.

Throughout the week, students can attend the lunchtime activities each day and earn points at those activities. There will be a table designated for the scorekeepers to tally the scores of the classes for each day. During the lunchtime activities, students can come up to the table to show the scorekeepers that they either dressed up or won a game.

Every student who dresses up in the theme and checks in with the scorekeepers will earn two points for their class, and every student that wins an activity will win ten points for their class.

On Fridays, classes will also be divided by representative colors – freshmen = yellow; sophomores = white; juniors = purple; seniors = black.

On Friday after school, there will be a rally to finish off the week. At the rally, there will be a few more activities where the classes can earn points.

There will be a scoreboard put up against the band room where you can check your class’s score every day! You can earn points by dressing up or winning the activities during lunch. dressing up = 2 points and winning the activities = 10 points. The class that wins will be awarded the trophy for the winner of BOC for 2022. Questions? Contact Kennedie Edejer or Mr. Casey Towner, Leadership adviser, in AG-5.

Dress up days?

Tuesday: Y2K – Dress like it is the year 2000! (Baggy clothes, Jerseys, cargo pants/shorts etc.)

Wednesday: Senior Citizen Day – Dress like an elderly person (80+) (Grey hair, older clothing)

Thursday: Anything but a backpack – Come to school with all your supplies, just not in a backpack (Satchel, fanny packs, purses JUST NOT A BACKPACK!)

Friday: Wear Class Colors –

Freshman = Yellow/Gold

Sophomores = White

Juniors = Purple

Seniors = Blac

Every day there will be activities at lunch near the royal outpost! Come and participate and earn your class points! Have fun and let’s see who will win BATTLE OF THE CLASSES. Come to the rally at 2:20 on Friday, after sixth period, to see if your class is #1.

Rally Day Schedule # Per Year 4
Period Start End Instructional Minutes Passing
First 8:15 AM 9:05 AM 50 7 0
Second 9:12 AM 10:02 AM 50 7 0
Third 10:09 AM 10:59 AM 50 7 0
Fourth 11:06 AM 11:56 AM 50 0 0
LUNCH 11:56 AM 12:26 PM 0 7 30
Fifth 12:33 PM 1:23 PM 50 7 0
Sixth 1:30 PM 2:20 PM 50 0 0
Rally 2:20 PM 3:00 PM 0 0 40
Totals 300 35 70