COVID pushes Homecoming to the sidelines


Photo by Church of the King on Unsplash

The game and the glory will have to wait.

Recently, after a restriction of indoor gatherings was imposed due to COVID, the Basketball Homecoming originally scheduled for February 11 was postponed indefinitely.

Fairfield High held their Homecoming at the end of January, but they did it safely while following the rules. “They did it outside and had under 500 people, which are the two things that are okay,” said Armijo’s Leadership adviser, Mr. Casey Towner. “Everything through March is on hold for COVID protocols right now. No events will be happening until we get the all clear.” 

In order to be observant of the protocols, considerations have been made to put off Homecoming to take place during an outdoor sporting event, perhaps baseball or softball, especially if the limitations are extended.

Email notifications and posters will probably be shared when the final decisions are made so that clubs can nominate their students for Homecoming Court and to announce the theme as well as traditional dress-up days and events. Students are encouraged to check regularly as well as watch out for announcements in The Armijo Signal.