A hereditary passion for teaching

Teacher feature – Mr. Jacob Smith, Spanish


Mr. Smith has had a life full of experiences

If genetics is trustworthy, Mr. Jacob Smith was born to be a teacher. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! Both of my parents were teachers,” he said. This is only his second year as a teacher. “My first year of teaching EVER was during the 2020-2021 school year of distance learning,” he said. “I struggled with feelings of loneliness and isolation.
However, one advantage I believe I had was that I never knew teaching to be anything else other than virtual learning. All in all, it was hard, but it made me a better person.”

He currently teaches Honors Spanish 1 & 2, but at one time worked at a daycare center for elementary school kids, but he’s had several other jobs along the way. “I used to be a host at a California Pizza Kitchen in Walnut Creek. I worked in retail at the Under Armour outlet store in Vacaville. And while in college, I worked in the student union building moving chairs and tables!” he said.

Mr. Smith attended Northgate High School in Walnut Creek and he was very involved as a student. “I loved sports and music back then,” he said. “I was the captain of my football team, and also sang in my school’s choir!” As a child he used to visit his maternal grandparents at their ranch in Nebraska. “It was a real small-town experience: only 600 people in the whole town of Wauneta,” he said.

His current hobbies include running, hiking, swimming, reading, traveling, and “eating yummy food! One of my absolute favorite things in life is swimming in the ocean….Seven days after I turned 20-years-old, I set out on a 2-month long, cross- country bicycle trip across the United States of America. Starting with my toes in the Atlantic Ocean, I slowly pedaled my way towards the Pacific. To this day, it remains one of my favorite experiences of my life.”

Experiences are important to enjoying life. “To students considering teaching, my advice is to be all in,” said Mr. Smith. “In my year-and-a-half of experience, I’ve learned it’s impossible to teach well if you’re only halfway in.” That advice applies to all students. “If I could change one thing about Armijo, I would want everybody to get to class during school hours!”

Mr. Smith had one final statement: Concluding note! Take cold showers! They’re life- changing!