Music that stands the test of time

CD review – The Magazine by Rickie Lee Jones


Years later, how will you feel about your music?

About seven years ago, Michael Mankin wrote the following review about Rickie Lee Jones album The Magazine for Amazon. Since the album was released nearly 40 years ago, you might not have heard about it, but Mankin believes it is worth revisiting or, perhaps, visiting for the first time.

Read the review and consider some of the music you currently enjoy. Will it, like The Magazine, pass the test of time? Why not check out this album and see if you like it. If you do, challenge yourself to share this classic singer with a friend or family member who may never have heard of her.

I owned this CD when it was released in 1984 and by that time I was a dedicated Rickie Lee Jones fan. Well, as time passed, I became interested in other genres and artists and moved on from Rickie Lee. Then, a few months ago, one of her lyrics got stuck in my head so I looked that up on Spotify and, much to my pleasure, Rickie Lee’s music has held up to the years.

I logged onto my Amazon account and ordered copies of three CDs from my past, all by Rickie Lee. Everything I liked about her music earlier was still true all these years later. The lyrics were smart and well-written and the music had a timeless quality to me. So, in many ways, my love affair with Rickie Lee Jones was rekindled.

No doubt a bit of nostalgia comes into play here as it was from a time when I was young and just beginning to experience life for myself. I look back on that time with the tinted lenses of time so the edges are softer and the angst and confusion of those days don’t occupy the forefront of my memories.

I can remember the good times and old friends from school when I listen to this CD, but I think the recording itself has held up over the years. I have a different interpretation of her poetry as a middle-aged adult, but it’s good solid writing.

Did I expect to have such an emotional reaction from hearing the sounds of my youth? It hit me right in every way possible and was like being reunited with an old friend. I hadn’t realized how much I had missed her.

So now it’s 2015 and there is a new recording from Rickie Lee on the horizon. I’m looking forward to its release and imagine I will be listening to her music for a long time to come. (