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Book review: Copygirl

Is a career in advertising in your future? Check out Copygirl.


Is a career in advertising in your future? Check out Copygirl.

Last year, Emma Kumar read through the book Copygirl by Anna Mitchael and shared her opinion on Goodreads. While you may not have had the same experience as Ms. Kumar, perhaps you can relate to what she had to say about the book. Do you agree with her?

This book is a mix of Mad Men and Devil Wears Prada, but it also sort of feels like Emily in Paris. You have this creative, bubbly, prone-to-babbling main character who becomes wildly popular on social media almost overnight, regardless of whether or not the content warrants such. That being said, I read it all in one sitting.

Even though this book is full of cringe-worthy lines (after all, that authors are former advertising writers themselves) — the last line being the worst of all; steel yourself — it saves itself by having a fast-paced plot and investigating the jealous, awestruck lens through which the main character views other women.

If you’ve ever worked in advertising, this book also completely nails the juxtaposition of the long hours, wild parties… and frivolous cat food client behind the madness. It’s also fun, flirty, and occasionally inspiring. But it’s also predictable and outdated with its 2015 feminism and insensitive jokes about other cultures….(https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/24611706-copygirl).