Turn on the TV! Moana is on… DVD

The Moana DVD release date is set for Tuesday, March 7. The soundtrack for Moana is a must for boys and girls alike. Children of all ages will enjoy listening to these inspiring songs.

Moana, a young, teenage girl from Oceania, has a sense for navigation and an adventurous mind. She respects her people’s traditions and has the bravery to make her own path for the future. Moana’s parents sing to her about the island they live on in “Where You Are.” This is an introduction to Moana becoming the first female chief of her Polynesian tribe. Moana discovers the origin of her ancestors in “We Know the Way.” She finds out who she really is in “I am Moana.” “You’re Welcome” demonstrates the boisterous personality of Maui, a demigod who Moana must deliver across the ocean to restore the heart of Tafiti. Along the way, Moana and Maui encounter a crab who sings about his evil desires in “Shiny.” Moana performs “How Far I’ll Go” to express her feelings about saving her island and restoring the heart of Tafiti.