Priorities guide his choices

Athlete Focus – Boys’ Wrestling: Oeiskie Louis-Cleveland


Oeiskie is familiar with being announced a winner.

Oeiskie Louis-Cleveland chose to go into wrestling because he enjoys physical contact sports. “I tried out wrestling and ended up enjoying it and decided to stick with it,” he said. That was when he was a freshman, and over the last four years he has placed in the top three in four different tournaments.

Louis-Cleveland wrestles in the 220-lb. weight class and his favorite move is the snap down “because of how versatile it is,” he said. He is versatile, too, because he also participated in shotput during track season. Despite his interest in sports with physical contact, he doesn’t plan to continue sports in college because he wants to focus on grades.

He recognizes that it’s important to get one’s priorities straight before joining a sport. He said it is important to “know just how much [you] are willing to commit to the sport or if they should be dedicating time to something else.”

Sometimes those priorities shift. “COVID cut my junior year season short and prevented us from doing any actual tournaments but I still got some experience and practice that year at dual meets.”

The meets that Louis-Cleveland spends the most time thinking about are usually the ones where he lost ” because they just stick the most and show me where I need to improve,” he said. Dwelling on his mistakes is not what he enjoys doing. Instead, he likes to spend his time working out, playing with animals, playing a variety of sports and  other outdoor activities, and watching shows.

Louis-Cleveland has some people who are close to him here at Armijo. “I’ve got a brother and a sister who go here: Brian Cooper (16) and Destany Cleveland (14)” he said. He also has a brother at Sem Yeto, Janna Cleveland (17).