Surprisingly worthwhile, said one reviewer

DVD Review – 500 Days of Summer

On, a 15-year old reviewer by the name of Amelia gave a positive nod to the movie 500 Days of Summer. Do you agree with her? Feel free to share your opinion in the comments.

Would you want it to be your life? (Amazon)

The film was pretty good, actually! It was interesting to see the film from a male perspective, as usually rom-coms are told from the female perspective. It felt almost like an anti rom-com at some points (a bit satirical, maybe?), not following the typical rom-com plot line.

Tom is meant to be a villain of sorts, though he didn’t break her heart. The film seems like one of its intentions was to show a woman from a… man’s perspective. Overall, though, it’s definitely worth giving a watch!

Sex: A few scenes that have implied sex (nothing past kissing is shown), and quite a few references to sexual stuff.

Violence: Tom ends up hitting a guy at a bar, but it doesn’t really show a detailed brawl or anything.

Swearing: Some throughout the film, but not frequently… and other pretty minor instances of swearing.

Substances: People are seen drinking throughout and going to bars.

Give it a watch, I promise you’ll be pleasantly surprised (or not. I don’t know what you like.).