At Work: And we’re on the air

Rachel Hughes is a very hardworking person who has everything planned for the future and is already working towards achieving her goals.

Starting by working at Once Upon a Child as a sales associate, and then working at Tiloys, she has been an intern for Channel 16 in the media and services. While she thinks that she has a wide span of interest and loves exploring things, she hopes and wants to be a master tech or an interior designer. She loves keeping herself busy.

During her free time, she is either at classes at Solano or just hanging out with her nephews and friends. She enjoys boating, welding, playing instruments and photography. She has been working as an intern for Channel 16 for about a month in which she has edited some videos, set up equipments and help come up with the interview questions, the things that she enjoys doing in multimedia, being her favorite class.

While not being payed for being an intern, Rachel hopes to gain more knowledge and experience. She goes for 1-2 days per week for 3-4 hours. She also thinks that her employers- Whitney Skillman and Bill Way, are really nice as they work with her and help her with any questions or problems that arise.

The best thing that she likes are the people working with her as they are very helpful and also working with a lot of new equipment. The hardest thing for her in this internship was to get in. She believes that she works really hard and gives her 100%, she is trustworthy and is fast at picking up things. When asked for a best job advice she said, “Show your professional side, don’t be afraid to ask questions, be yourself while giving interviews and make sure you are on your game”.