Armijo brings Christmas to community

“Community Holiday” was yet another great event that Armijo has hosted that had many participants from all across campus and the organizers from “Teens Helping Teens” to put on an amazing Christmas holiday for many kids around Fairfield that aren’t as fortunate. Many teenagers and adults went out and bought an ‘Angel Tree Gift’ for the kids throughout our community.

Community Holiday included: Key Club, Around the World Club, the Leadership Class, and Helping Hands, just to name a few. They each hosted booths for the kids to play throughout the night. Some of these booths included: Cookie Decorating, Ring Toss, Santa Beard, Coloring, and many more. The event was themed Winter Wonderland overall, and it sure did look like one. Christmas lights were scattered throughout the gym, even a tree was donated from Larry’s produce for yet another year.

Community Holiday had 5 main teenage girls put a big deal of work into this event. One being Paige Baker (senior), ASB officer in charge of the event from the leadership class. Food/ Layout was put on by Janelle Magaling (Junior) from the leadership class. Bella Mayer (Junior) was organizing decorations and she was also from the leadership class. Lastly, Bella Fondersmith (Senior) and Janelle Basa (Sophomore) worked together to plan a good deal of the activities, also from the leadership class. They all agreed the work was worth the outcome.

This was an event filled with a lot of joy. Many kids had a wonderful Christmas, and many of the Armijo students also said that they felt like they had a wonderful Christmas just by watching the kids in our community have one. Come out to the next Armijo event put on, and make some high school memories!