Not Me, Of Course

“I want you…to blame others on March 13.”

March 13 is National Blame Someone Else Day. Hey, it’s not my fault. This is an unofficial holiday that is celebrated nationwide, always on the first Friday the 13th of the year.

National Blame Someone Else Day first took place at Clio, Michigan, in 1982 and was created by Anne Moeller. As stated by National Day Calendar, “One day, her alarm clock failed to go off, hence creating a domino effect of bad luck events throughout the day. The day happened to be Friday the 13th.” In other words, Anne Moeller started off her day with bad luck and decided to make it a holiday, and called it ‘Blame Someone Else Day’.

The idea of this holiday is self-explanatory but the point is to point fingers for your wrongdoing and blame it on someone else or even something else, whatever seems more fun.

This holiday is celebrated mostly in the United States, does not have any traditions yet and isn’t a part of any religion, outside of its connection to the day it is celebrated. According to BBC News, “Friday the 13th is thought to originate with the Last Supper, attended by 13 people (Jesus Christ and his 12 disciples) on Maundy Thursday, the night before his crucifixion…” With this in mind, it brings sense why many people believe that a Friday on the 13th is a bad luck day and with that logic it makes sense to bet Blame Someone Else Day on that date.

Overall, it sounds like a fun and perfect holiday to blame someone else for your mistakes.