Mystery Person: who is it this time


Zig Zigler once said, “If you are not willing to learn no one can help you. If you are determined to learn no one can stop you.” Every couple of weeks the Armijo Signal features the name and description of a student on campus. Readers can learn about that student and win a free movie ticket if they are the first to identify who it is. The question is, are you willing to learn?

For the beginning of December, the Mystery Person is a sophomore who likes to eat ice cream and watch Stranger Things. Her plans for the future are work into a fashion designer for models and go to college.

Her favorite music is hip hop or soft R&B, and her favorite color is red.

She loves being with her family and friends.

Her favorite class is Physical Education (PE) and she has high to average grades. She believes in Zig Zigler’s quote and said that it tells her, “if you give up on yourself, you will not succeed, but you have to have a growth mindset.” Because of this mindset, she said that she has never given up on something she believes in. She believes that everyone deserves a second chance.

“Dr. Seuss asked “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” Our Mystery Person said that means “to be yourself, even when nobody’s looking.” She lives by that idea and is always determined on her dream. She knows when to keep going and learn new things.

The last Mystery Person was Jonathan Harrington who remained a mystery during the last two weeks of November.

ID Photo
Jonathan Harrington

If you know the Mystery Person for these two weeks, be the first person to go to G-10 to identify him or her. You will receive a free movie ticket for Edwards Theater. Only one prize per issue will be awarded. Journalism students or club members and Armijo teachers and staff do not qualify. Armijo’s Mystery Person will be presented between September and May. Submission cannot be taken during class time but will be accepted between classes, before and after school.