Army MULE on Campus One Day Only


A variety of offerings are available for students who visit with the Army MULE.

The Army’s own MULE (Mobile Usability Lab Exhibit) will be on campus on the Fire Road on Wednesday, April 24. While some classes will have the opportunity to visit the exhibit, it will also be available for a select few to test out the facility at lunch and after school.

It is “the latest asset to the Mission Support Battalion’s fleet,” according to “The MULE is an 18-wheel tractor-trailer that is packed with interactive, state of the art technology. It offers a Humvee simulator, an augmented reality sand table, an HTC Vive virtual reality system, an Oculus Rift system, a distracted driver system and an IRobot.”

Students who can take advantage of this opportunity are invited to participate as long as there is space available.