Teen Tech Week Teaches Proper Net Behavior

Teen Tech Week Teaches Proper Net Behavior

In 2007, the Young Adult Library Services Association (YLSA) and the American Library Association (ALA) introduced the world to Teen Tech Week, an annual event that starts on the first Sunday in March. This year, it starts on March 3.

According to nationaldaycalendar.com, “It is aimed at teens, their parents, educators and other concerned adults. Millions of teens do not have access to a home computer and, were it not for libraries, teens, and their families would miss opportunities to gain valuable digital literacy skills.

Digital skills are essential in today’s world and Teen Tech Week provides people with the rules and behaviors necessary to navigate the ethical issues in the complex digital world. While the library is most well-known for their shelves of books, Teen Tech Week focuses on e-books, audiobooks, social media and databases.

While this is a worthy focus, nationaldaycalendar.com shared that YLSA suspended their sponsorship last year. However, they are asking local libraries to carry on the tradition. Information on how to do that can be found at https://nationaldaycalendar.com/teen-tech-week-starts-first-sunday-in-march/