Create an Adobe Lightroom Tutorial

Deadline: April 15 Award: $500 and publication


Pretty Lightroom Presets recognizes the importance of higher education and the role it plays in our personal and professional fulfillment. That’s why they are so excited to continue the Pretty Presets for Lightroom $500 annual scholarship.  This ongoing scholarship provides college and university students an opportunity to earn money to further their education and achieve their goals!

Scholarship Entry Requirements

Carefully research and compose an essay style Adobe Lightroom tutorial of 800 to 1,000 words, with screenshots and photos included to illustrate your points on one of the following topics.  Use proper grammar and punctuation.

Choose a topic below for your tutorial essay:

  1. A Lightroom Mobile tutorial
  2. Lightroom techniques for Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer photos
  3. How to re-touch skin in Lightroom for photographers
  4. Any How To Lightroom tutorial
  5. How Lightroom has changed photography

Tip: Give yourself a leg up on the competition and check out our blog.  We LOVE topics that we haven’t covered yet!

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. You should presently be a senior in high school;
  2. Or be transitioning from high school to a college or university;
  3. Or be already enrolled in a college or university inside the United States or Canada.
  4. Employees and their immediate family members of are not eligible to participate.For more information, visit