Armijo Key Club at Region Training Conference.
Armijo Key Club at Region Training Conference.

Club Corner: Key Club

“Key Club at Armijo isn’t just a club, it’s a way of living.”

January 5, 2017

For the forty plus students in Armijo’s Key Club, attending its weekly meetings is a source of passion and joy. In December of 2016, members joined together after school to create more than fifty care packages with hygiene and personal care items. Working with the local community, the Armijo Key Club has guided its members towards upholding the Kiwanis values of leadership and caring. During the month of December, Key Club members and officers united to serve free breakfasts and distribute Christmas gifts at a “Breakfast with Santa” service event hosted at Applebee’s.

“Even though we all woke up before sunrise to arrive, it was well worth it to see the smiles,” said club president Christina Lam. Though Key Club members may enjoy service based projects, many members find their joy in bonding and enjoying fun with fellow members. At the latest Division Council Meeting known as DCM, Key Club members across Fairfield, American Canyon, and Vallejo gathered at Vacaville Ice Sports to celebrate the end of the year with a night of holiday ice skating. In addition, the Armijo Key Club also works with the local Kiwanis Club to fundraise and plan gatherings.

Over the course of the school year, Key Club has partnered with other organizations such as Filipino Club to give to the Fairfield community. When asked about her experience in Key Club, member Tiffany Vu said, “Key Club at Armijo isn’t just a club, it’s a way of living.” With one of the nation’s largest high school membership and oldest history as a organization, each member, whether a graduating senior or incoming freshman, has the opportunity to build long lasting connections while serving the school and community.

All students with a passion to serve are welcome to join at any time of the year. Club officer Jeremy Teruel said, “Just come to B-7 at lunch on Wednesdays. Don’t miss out on the fun!”


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