With Halloween just around the corner, things are about to be scary. (Photo by freestocks on Unsplash)
With Halloween just around the corner, things are about to be scary.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Editorial: What does horror mean to you?

October 15, 2020

You might have heard of the historic horror “monsters” such as werewolves, Dracula, and Frankenstein. Some might see them as monsters, others would beg to differ.
The definitions of a monster and of horror can be different things for different people. For example, for some it might mean the Chucky doll or Pennywise, the clown from IT. That brings up the question… why do we even like horror movies?
Horror movies have always been successful in the film business, with some even being called classics. The Shining, Jaws, Alien, and The Exorcist have paved the way for the current horror films we have today, continuing to show a growth in popularity. The use of detailed imagery and music used in these films makes the experience so much more thrilling. We feel as though we were there with the character. As a human emotion, we love the sense of thrill that we can experience through horror movies. Although some may dislike jump scares, these horror movies definitely bring something new and surprising that we don’t usually expect.
So, maybe it’s our need to be let a good scream and be scared sometimes, or to enjoy someone’s unique and creative imagination display itself on the big screen, that gets people watching these horror movies. If you need some suggestions or want to catch up on these classic horror films, check out our collection of reviews here on The Signal.
Happy reading!

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