Far from Home (Juan Duno Rivera)

Far from Home (Juan Duno Rivera)

Hello everyone, I was with Juan Duno Rivera, a foreign student from Venezuela, and I’ve asked him a few questions. Please note that this interview was done entirely in Spanish, as he doesn’t speak English, but I’ve included translations.

Q: ¿Cómo era tu ciudad natal? (What was your hometown like?)

A: Mi ciudad natal es … muy hermosa. (My hometown is…very beautiful)

Q: ¿Por qué te mudaste de Venezuela? (Why did you decide to move from Venezuela?)

A: Porque, la economía en Venezuela era muy mala. (Because the economy in Venezuela is very bad)

Q: ¿Con quién te mudaste a los Estados Unidos? (Who did you move to the US with?)

A: Me mudé aquí con mis padres. (I moved here with my parents)

Q: ¿Qué es lo que más extrañas de Venezuela? (What do you miss most about Venezuela?)

A: Extraño a mis amigos y familia. (I miss my friends and family)

Q: ¿Cuando te mudaste aquí? (When did you move here?)

A: Julio de 2018. ( July of 2018)

Q: ¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de la escuela secundaria [de] Armijo?

A: Me gustan los maestros, las gentes, y el espíritu armijo. (I like the teachers, the people, and Armijo spirit)

Q: ¿Qué te gustaría hacer después de graduarte de Armijo? (What do you want to do after graduating from Armijo?)

A: Ir a la universidad para ser médico o convertirse en un jugador de fútbol profesional. (Attend college to be a doctor or be a professional soccer player)

Q: ¿Dónde te gustaría ir a la universidad? (What college to you want to attend?)

A: Sacramento State

Q: ¿Estás involucrado en algún deporte? ¿Asistes a algún club o actividades después de la escuela? (Do you play any sports? Are you in any after school clubs/activities?)

A: No

Q: ¿Qué género de música es tu favorito? (What type of music do you like best/is your favourite?)

A: Música trampa, música española y música americana. (Trap, Spanish, and American music)

Q: ¿Planeas volver a Venezuela? (Do you plan on moving back to Venezuela?)

A: Yo no sé. (I’m not sure)

His final comment was “He hecho muchos amigos aquí” which was him stating that he’s made a lot of friends here.

Here’s some bonus information about Juan:

  • According to him, he may get a girlfriend here.
  • He likes the reporter (that’s me)
  • He likes to play Fortnite with his friends
  • His family is very kind
  • He’s a sophomore
  • His favourite song is titled (Quiere beber [remix])
  • He likes this school and all of his teachers
  • He always does his homework and uses his spare time as previously stated, to play Fortnite. With friends.