Kehaulani Patenio at Work

Kehaulani Patenio at Work

When Kehaulani Patenio is at work at Caranveer, or Veer, she has to war her work shirt and black pants. Her official title is cashier, but that includes making calls and taking orders from customers. “When there aren’t any customers or calls, I do clean-up or prep the salad bar, boxes and more,” she said.

She works so that she can have something, or some things, to call her own.

The best part about the job is the friends that she’s made, “even though they’re older,” Patenio said. This and developing the confidence required for the job were challenging because she realized that she would have to get over her shyness and her mistakes. Still, it is hard sometimes to approach her boss or some of her fellow employees.

Since she started on August 28, she has already gotten a lot of experience. “I’m pretty good at moving pretty fast and taking people’s orders,” she said. “Also, I guess I’m good at multi-tasking.” She has learned enough to pass off this advice to future workers: “Try not to fret too much because you’ll get it eventually,” she said.

Patenio works 10 – 12 hours a week and earns $11 per hour. “When I’m not working, I’m at school or helping at home,” she said. “I like all my classes, I love to read and listen to music.”

Eventually she wants to end up in the Air Force. If that doesn’t work out, or when she retires from her service, she intends to go into baking.