Welcoming our Assistant Principal

Welcoming our Assistant Principal

This year marks Mr. Jose Irizarry’s first as Assistant Principal of Armijo High School and his third with Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District (FSUSD) as an Administrator. Over the past 25 years, Mr. Irizarry has worked in roles ranging from coach to advisory/enrollment director to pathway academy lead.

Mr. Irizarry has been a resident of the Fairfield/Suisun area for almost 15 years. As a local resident, he hopes to improve the district where he makes his home. As an administrator, Mr. Irizarry’s ambitions include making Armijo High School a premier school and embracing the culture of the Fairfield Suisun Unified School District.

As specified by the Local Control and Accountability Plan, Mr. Izarry’s goals include the following:

  • Reducing suspension rates for all students, particularly our critical subgroups.
  • Creating safe, inclusive, and welcoming learning environments where students attend and are connected to their schools.
  • Engaging parents and community partners through education, communication, and collaboration to promote student success.
  • Refining and expanding targeted interventions and supports for students’ academic, health and social emotional development.
  • Executing high quality instructional programs and provide educational options to ensure every student graduates and is college and career ready.

Mr. Irizarry aims to achieve these goals by working directly with staff and students to ensure their success is paramount. He said that he welcomes parent and student feedback and hopes to familiarize himself with Armijo students and parents through the process.

Not only does Mr. Irizarry live in the area, but he is also the father of four FSUSD students. As a parent, he recognizes the challenges of working with schools and hopes to encourage parent involvement with Armijo High School.

For those who would like to stay updated through social media, students and parents can follow Mr. Irizarry on Twitter at the handle: @ILifeLearner.