Jaime Rodriguez – Class of 2020


Jaime Rodriguez

Officer Position:
Class Secretary/ Treasurer 10th

Name of Activities:
Armijo Signal (9th)
International Club (10th)
Multimedia (10th)

Name of Community Services:
Suisun Valley Elementary Harvest Festival (10th)
Home Depot Kids Safety Fair (10th)
Suisun Fire Department Crab Feed (9th, 10th)
Armijo Grad Nite Crab Feed (9th, 10th)
Native Son’s Crab Feed (10th)

Other Important characteristics about me:

How do you plan to stay connected to the students to make sure their voices are heard?

I felt like my idea for creating a class twitter account went really well, but I feel like if we were more active on twitter and other social media platforms, we would have more access to connecting to more students.

What, in your opinion, are the three most important issues facing students at Armijo High School and how will you address them?

One issue that we face is when we plan events is lack of involvement and motivation. I feel like if people were to be more excited it would create an atmosphere were it could make others interested in participating the events. Another issue we face is not enough advertisement. We have so many ways to advertise our events and activities, but many times it doesn’t always get reached out to where students don’t get the word about the upcoming events. To fix it, I think we should have students go to different classes to announce upcoming events, or enforce teachers to play the morning broadcast every morning. One last issue we face is the atmosphere during school hours. I think we should play music suggested by students during passing period or during lunch that way students can have a positive mindset when going to their next classes.

What are your top priorities for the position will you hold?

My top priority is since we are planning prom next year, I want to make sure everyone puts in their input so they are not left out. Prom is a huge event for everyone and it is important to make sure everyone is satisfied. My other huge priority is to make sure our fellow officers are are on the same page and they communicate with one another along with our classmates and advisers.