Aurora Markham – Class of 2020


Years in Leadership: 2

Officer Position / Committee Name

Special Ed Track Committee Head – 10th
Homecoming Costumes Committee Head – 10th

Activity, Sport, Club, Etc

Cross Country – 9th and 10th
Track – 9th and 10th

Community Service

Spaghetti Feed – 9th
Crab Feeds – 10th
Christmas Carnival – 10th
Marina/Suisun Clean Ups 9th/10th
Trail Run – 10th

Other Characteristics

I personally think I am a hardworking person. If I am really passionate about something, I will put my all into making it the best it possibly could. I also thing I can be pretty organized. I mean I have always loved organizing things so when it comes to bigger things like events or groups of people in general- I can take it on. I am good working independently but also can work very well in groups. I’m willing to listen to all points respectfully so everyone is included and heard and no one’s voice is left out.

How do you plan to stay connected to students to make sure their voices are heard?

I would want (like I mention in the question below) to include outside voices more. I think that people feel left out from the events and decisions going on. I want to implement suggestion boxes free to everyone in our class. They’d be put in both advisors rooms along with teacher rooms that teach a majority of our grade level. I would also like to have days where people try bringing at least one person outside of leadership to bigger discussions. This would get those outside to give their ideas and opinions, it would make them feel more included with the decisions our class makes.

What are the three most important issues facing students at this school and how are you willing to address them?

Three important issues facing the students at the school is the lack of communication, lack of participation, and lack of motivation/feeling of appreciation of the general school population. Between leadership and non-leadership there is definitely a barrier. I think if we try our best to include outside kids. I think having suggestion boxes and open discussions for kids in non-leadership would be helpful to get opinions of those not in the class but still want to feel included. The suggestion/idea boxes could be the class of 2020 advisers rooms. I’d also want to have days where people try to bring one person outside of leadership with them on discussion days for their opinions as well. Another problem that ties into this is also the lack of participation in events and school spirit in general. A lot of people in my classes that don’t take leadership don’t really know when things like dress up days and other events/fundraisers are. It would be important to have better communication with these students to have better participation. We could all do a better job announcing things in our classes, so just getting more word out to the students. The motivation of our students is not the highest. Most students dread going to school and I think we could try changing it. Though there is events like stress-free week, I think our class should put on events like that more throughout the year. We could just have quite a few kindness weeks and throughout the year to acknowledge those who wouldn’t normally be. Things like cute notes and little flowers on students cars to brighten their days to even handing out flowers or just little jokes to people. I think just little things here and there to brighten peoples days really adds up in the end.

What are your top priorities for the position will you hold?

A top priority of mine is definitely trying to include outside voices and opinions of our grade. I think it is important to include everyone, even those who choose not to be in the program. I don’t want anyone to feel unincluded and like they cannot express their opinions freely, I know how that feels and wouldn’t want anyone to feel the same with our class. I also think planning ahead of time to be more organized would be a top priority of mine. I’d want to have things like fundraisers scheduled as far in advance as we could so it is something not to stress about.