The Importance of Small Things

Custodian Steve’s Encouraging Word


Have you ever gone to a restaurant with somebody whose meal cost $8, and watch them struggle over the tip? They have $2 in change, and they know that leaving just $1 might be thought of stingy. Yet do they leave $2? Not on your life! That would be too much. Instead they’ll waste ten minutes getting change for the second dollar so they can leave $1.50 tip and save themselves fifty cents, rather than leaving a little extra. What would have happened if they’d left the full $2? They would have made the waiter or waitress’s day. Fifty cents may not seem like much, but the message that goes along with it can mean the world to someone. It says, “Thanks, you did a good job, I appreciate you, you’re valuable.” Maybe this message gets lost–your server just sweeps up the tip without counting–but you, the one who was generous in their giving will reap generously.” What an opportunity. We can increase the happiness of others, and bless ourselves, with just pocket change. This is just one tiny example of the many ways in which the small things we do have surprisingly be repercussions. Small acts of kindness set the tone for our day. Going the extra mile–whether it’s a slightly larger tip, an unexpected gift or compliment, or just opening a door for someone–cost very little and gets you a lot. Just one more thought, this tells people you care without saying a word.