The Power of Nostalgia


Nostalgia is the act of recalling a memory and wanting to relive or recapture it. That feeling can occur with anything such as hearing an old song that takes a person back to a happy point or a low point in life.

Nostalgia can make people feel sad, thinking about memories that were lost in some way, bringing back memories of people who have lost contact or passed away.

Nostalgia can also spark positive emotions where people reminisce about past experiences or reflect on how life turned out.

According to Professor of Psychology Clay Routledge, on average people engage in nostalgia at least once a week. Coming across a familiar scent or a simple picture can cause an individual to recall their past and, in some circumstances, this can be a positive experience. Thinking of how a certain activity in the past caused joy can motivate a people to go out and live life to their full potential.

Creating memories can be intentional, too, and creating positive nostalgia is just a step away. Joining friends or family at a movie or a concert, for instance, develops happy moments that can be looked back on in a positive way when a mood boost is necessary. “Last summer, my friends and I would go out to Twin Peaks and look at the city lights,” said community member Magdalena Arana.

The tone created by nostalgia can influence the mood in the present, but it is all in how it is perceived and responded to.