Coach focus: It’s the Boys’ Turn


Mr. Christian Stoll has been a teacher at Armijo for 11 years now. A graduate from Oregon State University, he said that he has been playing basketball since he was two years old. He used to be the Girls’ Varsity coach but when he stepped away from that position, they surprised him with a jacket with the words “tasty” and “solid,” words that he would use during the practice and games. This encouraged his use of this certain vernacular which has become iconic of the Stoll name at Armijo.

His love for basketball would not let him stay away from the sport and he has continued to coach this year, but not for the Girls’ team. While Coach DJ Bowen took over command of the Lady Indians, Coach Stoll stepped into the position of coach for the Boys’ Varsity team. It hasn’t been an easy transition, with the team struggling to get a win in Monticello Empire League play, but Coach Stoll is not one to give up. He has encouraged his team members to strive for their best and keep on going, even when the points aren’t coming. Under his leadership, the team has actually improved in their standings in California.

While he is “Coach Stoll” on the court, he is still “Mr. Stoll” in the classroom. He teaches English 10 Honors and IB English A1 HL2. He greatly enjoys the works of Sylvia Plath and Langston Hughes. His favorite Sylvia Plath poem is “The Colossus.” He also enjoys all sorts of music and some of his favorite songs are “Money For Nothing” and “All Along the Watchtower.” Still, when it comes down to it, he loves watching and playing his favorite sports, naturally basketball but also golf.