November 2017: Volunteer | A Year at NorthBay

November 2017: Volunteer | A Year at NorthBay

I got started as a volunteer in Northbay last year, October 2016. My goal all throughout my life has been to become a doctor or some sort of medical professional. As I got older, I wanted to see if the hospital environment was for me. I also wanted some service hours, and I could have gotten them through clubs, like other students do, but I wanted to do something a little bit different.

I had actually heard about volunteering for a hospital from Law and Order SVU, so I decided to do it. One of the things that I enjoy the most is delivering food and water to the patients because they’re usually nice. The thing that I dislike, though, would be changing the gloves or folding the brochures since I need to focus and there’s no human interaction. That sounds conceited and make me sound extrinsically motivated, but I believe that I genuinely like to help people.

If I help someone, then I feel that they’re more likely to help someone else. Then the living conditions of the world would be better. If you don’t know me, then at least you know that I genuinely believe that. Anybody can help, so you can too!