GSA – 11 years strong

Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) was started by Ms. Vanessa Walling- Sisi, who has been the adviser since 2006. The club meets every Tuesday in E-3. Their objective is to make sure that everyone on campus is safe and that no one is being bullied based on their sexuality or their identity.
In October, GSA displays anti-hate posters that go against anti-LGBTQ+ speech as well as racist speech. They are sponsored by GSA and International Club, which is also advised by Ms. Walling-Sisi. During the spring, GSA hosts an event during lunch on the “Day of Silence,” recognizing LGBTQ+ individuals who have been bullied, threatened, or have committed suicide because of the lack of support because of their sexual orientation.
Here’s GSA’s Club Mission Statement: “The club is open to anyone who is interested in sharing and learning about different cultures and lifestyles. The members of the club hope to increase awareness and tolerance on campus and in the community, especially for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning students and their friends and support systems. Through club activities, we would like to bring together people of many backgrounds and support each other in our social and educational goals.”
Most students at Armijo are open-minded and, every year, there are more participants during GSA events and activities. Many people recognize posters on campus sponsored by GSA and International Club as a positive message spreading at Armijo.
GSA meets every Tuesday at lunch in E-3. Guests and members are invited to bring their lunch and an open mind.