Locker rooms receive much-needed improvements

This campus has been Armijo High School for over 50 years, and few things about the locker rooms have changed during the last few decades. Last spring that history changed.

Improvements started in July, according to Vice Principal Arron DeGracia. “The students deserve the best, and once the money was available, the project came about,” he said. The district is funding all of the improvements from recent funds.

By the end of September, both the boys’ and girls’ locker rooms will be full of new lockers. The roof has been resealed to eliminate leaks and to provide better insulation. There are some additional improvements that have been postponed because earlier estimates for work were not consistent with current costs and, as a result, funding has not been available for all of the original plans.

All of the students and teachers “are super pumped” for the new lockers, said DeGracia. “We are hoping for the locker rooms to be finished by mid-September.” These changes are part of the improvements that have been modernizing the campus for the last decade, including the development of the quad areas, the new library and the new administrative office. Other changes are also being looked at to continue the progress that has been made so far.