If life is tough, be tougher

Book Review – Falling into Place by Amy Zheng

When the struggle is real, it is time to develop your strength.


When the struggle is real, it is time to develop your strength.

Falling into Place by Amy Zheng is a powerful and moving account of a young Asian-American woman’s mission to define who she is and where she belongs in the world after a dangerous suicide attempt.

Liz, our protagonist, is caught between the strict expectations of her immigrant parents and her own ambitions and aspirations. Liz’s boyfriend, Jake, and their closest acquaintances assist her in coming to terms with who she is and what she desires.

Falling into Places is an unforgettable read because it is an inspiring story about coming into one’s own. This should be read promptly by anyone interested in learning about the challenges faced by young adults. It conveys a powerful message about loving yourself and finding the strength to do what is right even when others disagree.

Overall, Falling into Place is a compelling, relatable, and contemporary story about the significance of self-acceptance and acceptance amongst others. It is truly a story to read if you grew up this way like I did. I recommend this book to anyone and everyone.