They have always stuck together

Sibling Spotlight – Francis and Jeremy Tombaga

Francis and Jeremy Tombaga spent some time growing up in the Philippines, but they now go to Armijo High School.

“It’s a bit difficult to keep up with others, but I’m still adjusting,” said Francis, who is a senior. The boys’ native tongue is Tagalog, and back when they were in the Philippines, the brothers attended the same school since they are only two years apart, so going to the same school now is nothing new to the both of them.

The brothers each have their own set of friends, so they don’t hang around each other at school as much as they do at home. Still, going to the same school is helpful to them because if they have nobody to go to, they at least have each other. This helps with them not feeling alone, or scared to ask anyone for help.

Jeremy looks up to his older brother, who encourages him to be a good student. The foundation is important as Francis will be graduating in June, leaving Jeremy alone to navigate the campus and life in high school.

Both boys love to build on cars. They also like to fix up cars and currently see themselves studying to work in the automotive industry in some way or another.