Birthdays and Introverts sometimes mix

All in a Date: Birthdays at the start of National Introverts’ Week


Emily Torres Maravilla

Dominic Barajas Cisneros doesn’t see himself as an introvert, but gladly accepts the occasion

While identifies National Introverts Week as March 20 – 26, and and identify it as March 21 – 27, there are two things that we can be relatively sure of. It is held on the third full week of March and people who celebrate it are less likely to look forward to the social environment on a Monday at school.

So what is it like to celebrate your birthday on that Monday? Only a few students at Armijo will have that experience and, since it is a holiday based on a week rather than a specific date, they will only have that experience once in their high school education. Two of those people are Dominic Barajas Cisneros and Cristopher Sanchez.

Neither of these boys was aware that their birthday would fall on this auspicious day this year, but Barajas said that he might actually acknowledge the week in spite of the fact that he doesn’t see himself as an Introvert.

For Sanchez, having his birthday land during a special week this year even though he doesn’t consider himself an introvert gives him a level of importance that he doesn’t always get. After all, his sister can at least claim that her birthday lands on Christmas Eve every year.

Cristopher Sanchez is another outgoing individual who celebrates his birthday on the Monday of National Introverts’ Week

While these boys share a birthday, they have their own goals for the future. Barajas wants to take a year off from school after he graduates and is considering going to a community college for a couple of years before going to a university. “I’m only finishing high school for my parents,” he said.

Sanchez, on the other hand, does not plan to go to college at all. Barajas likes to play guitar and enjoys paintings, although Sanchez doesn’t really like art at all.

National Introverts Week was created by Michael Pollard, who wrote books on the subject, “to encourage introverts to be proud of who they are, and to draw attention to the fact that they too can be every bit as successful in business and in life as their extroverted counterparts – and in many cases, even more so,” according to nationaldaycalendar.

If they choose to celebrate other holidays on their birthday, Barajas and Sanchez can consider some of those listed at, which include World Poetry Day, National Healthy Fats Day and Slytherin Pride Day. Other students who might celebrate their birthdays that day include Jazmine Cardwell, Cole Gleason, and Viridiana Ponce Urbina. They all share this birthday with a lot of celebrities, including TikTok stars Angel Garcir, Wendell Madera, Snerixx, Funsized.yahyah, Candice Farrar, Harriet Allies, Babyahyah, and Josh Krumich, who are far from being introverts themselves.