Depends completely on age

Book review – The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

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I’m 16 year old and I read this book when I was 11. Some of my friends weren’t allowed to read it until they were 13 at least. I got to because my parents thought I was mature enough. I am in love with this book. I’ve read it at LEAST 6 times and have seen the movie 15+ times. I love it so much. It helps to open your eyes to things that actually happened. This will forever be my favorite book even 40 years later. I believe anyone of any age (if parents see it appropriate) should be able to read this book/ see this movie. (WARNING : There is some smoking and drinking. There’s also a good bit of violence.) It all-in-all is a very good book. Thank you!! – A

This review was written in 2016 by Ashlyn_DS ( Do you agree with it? Share your thoughts below or send a review of your own by September 7 at [email protected] and we’ll consider publishing it in