Principal Brown’s goals for Armijo

Armijo started the year with a new principal. While you can see an interview with him from last spring at, he has now started the next step of his journey as the official leader of Armijo High School, so this is another chance to get to know him.

Mr. Charleston Brown said that his goal for Armijo High School is for it to be the best school in Fairfield.Another goal he has in mind is to create community with and around school pride.

Mr . Brown said that he has been in the education system for over a decade. “I did not know this was going to be the route, he said. He was originally just going to be a school counselor but he was told by a principal that he should consider that position. “Seven years down the line, here I am, he said.

One of his goals is to help students deal with mental health issues and one way he plans to do that is to hang up signs with around the school with QR codes. Students can scan the code and be directed to a Google form that allows them to report bullying or make an appointment to talk to a counselor.

This goal is a priority for Mr. Brown because he is welcoming to all students, no matter what race, gender or sexual orientation.