Heat up the grill!

National Barbecue Month – May


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Meats? Vegetables? Fruit? Whatever you like, it can be grilled.

The weather is warm and around the world people are preparing for cook-outs and backyard parties. May is National Barbecue Month.

It was founded in May 1963 to encourage outdoor cooking and to give it recognition. National Barbecue Month is obviously celebrated by having barbecues with different types of foods such as pork, beef, chicken, lamb, and other proteins that find their way into barbecue, although savvy grillers often add vegetables or fruits to their grill top as well.

Some side dishes that might round off the grilled meal might include macaroni salad, cole slaw, baked beans, mashed potatoes or fresh fruit. According to https://blog.treetopia.com, watermelon is the most popular side dish, cold or grilled, to serve at a barbecue in the U.S because of the fresh sweet taste especially on a sunny evening.

Interested in preparing for the first barbecue of the year? Here are some things you should do, according to https://www.bbcgoodfood.com:

  1. Set up in an open space.
  2. Buy good-quality charcoal.
  3. Use a chimney starter. If you don’t have a chimney, arrange your charcoal in a stack.
  4. Know whether you need direct or indirect heat before you start to cook.
  5. Learn to recognize when your coals are ready.
  6. Use a thermometer.

National Barbecue Month is usually celebrated with family and friends at a park to recognize outdoor cooking. There can be outdoor games or it can simply be a fun time with the people around you. Don’t wait! Get your coals heated, choose your main dish and find a time to enjoy this month with your family and friends!