Volunteer: Semhar helps in a lot of ways

“I am president of the College and Career Club and Black Student Union, and the vice president of Stitchers,” said Semhar Teklu. She has her eye on the future with the intention of going to one of the UCs as a double major in cultural anthropology and biology. She hopes to enter the medical field after graduation and has the grades to go far. With all of that going on, it is surprising that she has any spare time, but when something is important, Teklu finds a way to make time for it.

“During my junior year, I and a group of other students raised money to buy bikes for children in our community. We wanted to give children the opportunity to exercise through biking,” Teklu said. “We raised money by having a Hot Chocolate sale at Armijo during lunch. We also received money through donations.”

Volunteering can be fun. “Get involved now, regardless of what age you are. Volunteering can be fun and it’s a great way to give back to your community. I like to volunteer every chance I get,” said Teklu.