MLK Jr.’s Legacy


From his contribution to the Montgomery Bus Boycott to his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech in Washington, Martin Luther King Jr. is a man who will never be forgotten. Although there is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of January dedicated to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., his legacy and importance run even deeper for the United States.

King worked to find peaceful solutions for racism and segregation everywhere in the U.S. He led peaceful protests during the Civil Rights Movement to give them more rights and equality. King never once acted in violence. Unfortunately, in 1968, it wasn’t the case for others when he was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee.

Moreover, his most famous address, the “I Have a Dream” speech, brought more attention to the Civil Rights Movement, which had been going on for many years. King’s inspirational leadership and speeches helped to transform a local protest over bus seating into a historically important event.

Not only did he fight for African-American equality, but he also protested against the Vietnam War. He even supported striking workers and demanded economic justice for poor Americans, Black and White. People today look up at his work and admire him for wanting equal rights and freedoms, not just for AfricanAmericans.

While his marches weren’t always successful, he made an impact in the big controversial issues. He has opened many opportunities for African-American generations after him. Even now, people still look up to King’s ways and accomplishments. Even though racial mistreatment continues today, Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream for equality yet sparks for protests. He forever changed the world.