Far from Home: John Cea

Jonathan Cea has moved to United States from El Salvador this year on January 26, 2017. He misses his family the most as he traveled alone on this long journey. He moved to US as “there were a lot of gangs and it was dangerous”, he explained. He describes his hometown by saying that it was really pretty, friendly, social and there were a lot of educated people.

He sure likes the schools here better as the schools were way harder and advanced there. He really misses his family and friends and hopes to visit El Salvador to meet them but would not like to stay there. The best thing he likes about Armijo is the diversity.

After graduating from high school, he wants to study medicine and hopes to go to one of the top universities. While he does not participate in sports or extracurricular activities, he enjoys listening to rock music. It requires a lot of inner strength to just give up everything you have in one place, and move to another but his passion would lead him to be what he dreams to be.