Reading Therapy Dogs visit Armijo library


Ms. Denise Montegato

Mr. Chuck Constantine and his dog Augie help bring joy to Guadalupe Ramos during the event.

On Wednesday, April 12, the Armijo Library went to the dogs – literally! The library hosted a special event for National Library Week by inviting special education students to interact with three certified reading therapy dogs.

Animal-assisted therapy is slowly being recognized as a valuable resource in schools. Their unique attributes are being used for test anxiety, focus and attention issues, anger management, reading assistance, and in social/emotional programs.

“With that in mind, I thought it would provide an enriching experience for our special education students. I noticed that my community library hosted a Tales for Tails program,” said Ms. Denise Montegato, Armijo librarian. “I spoke with the librarian and she gave me contact information. I reached out to several organizations and was able to secure volunteers for an Armijo visit.”

English Setters Addie and Augie from Paws for Healing visited with their handlers, Chuck and Joan Constantine, and Jake who is a therapy dog for Dr. Karen Krstich, DVM.

The activity took place in the three study rooms, one for each dog so that the groups could facilitate small groups of students in a calm environment. Students rotated in and out of the three rooms. Students waiting to visit with a therapy dog were able to participate in an Easter Egg Hunt and read together in small groups.

“A great time was had by all! We are looking to bring them back in the fall to work with other classes,” said Ms. Montegato.